Outdoor fog systems have been effectively used in outdoor cooling applications for decades. These systems, when properly designed and installed, can provide cooling of outdoor temperatures by up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit with virtually no noticeable increase in the relative humidity. Applications will include restaurants, theme parks, hotels and resorts, spectator arenas, tennis courts, golf facilities, boats and RVs, fountains, waterfalls, and patios, etc.
By using 1000 PSI, atomizing the water droplets to a size as small as 5 microns (5 millionths of a meter) in diameter is possible. At this level, 'flash evaporation' occurs reducing the ambient temperature. This process, known as 'Thermal Dynamics', is effective because water requires energy (600 calories of heat to evaporate 1 gram of water) to evaporate. This energy exchange results in reduced temperatures.
The overall effectiveness of the system will depend on existing temperature and humidity levels. As the temperature rises (85 degrees Fahrenheit to 115 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal), and humidity levels drop (above 90% performance is marginal, 40% to 90% performance is good, below 40% performance is excellent), the systems results can be dramatic. As with any evaporative cooling process, the more moisture evaporated, the greater the cooling results.
The new Revolution Series by PAICHI is the latest innovation in climate control and is appropriate for evaporative cooling for any application. Because of the unique design of this unit, it can be used in both indoor and outdoor applications.
The Revolution Series was developed to provide a means of producing better coverage and more effective evaporative properties from a mist system. By integrating a focused air stream directly into the fog, the water droplets cover more cubic feet and are able to cool up to 5 times the amount of air of a static line system.
If you want to learn more,please log in www.majun888.cn or contact me:paichi@yeah.net