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Mist Cooling Applications:

Publish Date 2010-01-02
Mist Cooling Applications:

Where Cooling needed- Home, Patio's, Poolside, Outdoor Cafes, Bars, Restaurants, Weddings, Botanicals Garden, Petro-Chemical, Textile manufacturing, Conservatories, Deli, Fire Suppression, Fire rehab Cooling, Recreational Area's, Auto sales area, Theme Parks, Fountains, Mall and Shopping Center's, Super Market, Museum, Golf Course, Government, Greenhouse, Hospital, Hotel, Landscaping, Lumber, Race Courses, Zoo's, Poultry Houses. Dust and Odor control, Sewage Treatment Plants, Smoke Suppression, Trash Transfer and treatment, Dry clean, Meat & Food packing to maintain moisture, Emergencies where A.C. fails

Industrial - Spot Cooling workers in heat generating areas like foundries, boiler, Press cooling, Textile yarn mfg, Paper mills, Lumber yards, Welding and repair shops, automotive , Canneries, Construction, Warehouses,

Agriculture - Greenhouse Cooling and Humidification - Bedding plants, Cut flowers, Seed germination, Tropical plants, Propagation areas, Tissue culture.

Events - Product and Premises launches, Conventions, Sports meets, Concerts, Company and Family party, Corporate Functions, Weddings. many area/event where cooling relief is needed.

Residential applications - include Home Patios, Deck, Playhouses, Playground Equipment, Pet Houses, Dog Runs, and Special effects around Swimming pools and/or Rock features.

Agricultural arena - Mist is used to cool Dairy Cows, Horses, Poultry, Hogs, Frost Protection on Crops and for Birds and insect control, Cooling Livestock.

Dairy Cows: When cooled, cows can produce up to 30% more milk during the hot weather

Feed Cattle: When cooled, cattle eat more and increase their weight at a more rapid pace

Lumber Storatge: High Output Nozzles help prevent lumber from cupping & splitting

Poultry: Flash evaporative cooling helps stop deaths due to over-heating

Stables: With misting, both people and horses have cleaner air and less dust & insects.

Other Applications: Wine barrel rooms, Cold storage rooms, Dust suppression, Odor control,
Mushroom production, Animal cooling, Botanica gardens, Lab humidification ,office fountain.

Mist  Cooling Applications:
Mist  Cooling Applications:
Mist  Cooling Applications:
Mist  Cooling Applications:
Mist  Cooling Applications:

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